What people say about Sweet Harmony
Sweet Harmony Community Choir for me means happiness, friendship and deep connection. Maya creates a nurturing, safe environment where we can be ourselves and sing with our natural voices without fear of criticism or embarrassment.
My confidence in my voice and performance has grown hugely being part of the choir. It has also been a place where I can unwind, relax and feel mentally healthy during difficult times in my life.
Eleanor Hunt
I always wanted to join a choir, but can't read music and was very scared about anyone hearing me sing. No longer. I have been singing with Maya since she first started Sweet Harmony and it is the highlight of my week. The time when I feel most connected with others and just enjoy being part of the wonderful music we make.
Annie Delahunty
I joined Sweet Harmony shortly after recovering from a fairly serious operation, after encouragement from my wife. I had always enjoyed singing along but not very tunefully. Since joining I believe my voice has improved and a whole new way of singing has opened up. I am now part of a much larger singing group. The concerts we give bring great joy to our audience as well as ourselves.
Bill Bradley